Nur-Sultan (Astana), Republic of Kazakhstan, 53 Kabanbay Batyr, ave.

Botagoz Kuspangaliyeva

2014-present: Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan) Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering
2013-2014: Foundation program of University College London (UCL) at Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)
Current research
Wastewater treatment
V.J. Inglezakis , A. Amzebek, B. Kuspangaliyeva, Y. Sabrassov, G. Balbayeva, A. Yerkinova, and S.G. Poulopoulos. Treatment of municipal solid waste landfill leachate by use of combined biological, physical and photochemical processes. Accepted to Journal: Desalination and Water Treatment (2018).
Contact details